Saturday, July 14, 2012

king post, king plank

This morning I cut and installed the kingpost. I am using a 2x2 douglas fir post, and will be using the same for the kingplank as well. I am building it so that the kingplank will have right-of-way over the kingpost, with the thought that this will help to distribute the load of the mast.

kingpost installed

Adding to the "hindsight is 20/20" file, I chiseled out a relief for the kingplank to sit in the stem, which would have been a lot easier to do on the bandsaw before I installed it, but it ended up not being too difficult. 

relief cut

test fit with scrap DF piece

I need to pick up some more wood for the kingplank, and will probably end up grabbing stock for the foils and spars as well. Everything seems to be moving along very smoothly now, which leads me to wonder if I'm actually doing everything right, or if it's just the calm before the storm. Let's hope it's the former!

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